It’s the story preachers love to preach about. A harlot woman forgiven through selflessness and included in to the lineage of the Messiah. The ultimate picture of redemption, books have been written about it and many a lesson taught and inspiration drawn from this Canaanite woman in the doomed city of Jericho, but is it...
Category: Woman and Gender
Proverbs 31 – Part 1, The Prophesied Woman of Strength
Proverbs 31 has become the pin up poster, the hallmark of the so – called “Godly woman.” But what if it was fashioned for more, what if the picture of the woman in Proverbs 31 is not just about one woman, or even every women. What if it is a prophetic picture of the faithful...
Abraham and Sarah Part 3 – A Look at 1 Peter 3
If you have not yet read Part 1 and Part 2 of our current study of Abraham and Sarah, I would like to suggest you do so now before reading our third installment. Truly it has been a joy to journey with Yeshua in to the lives of this matriarch and patriarch of faith. This week’s...
Abraham and Sarah Part 2, Encountering Sarah
We have such painted portraits in our minds of the men and women in the Bible. I am pretty sure that if we had to pull down those “painted pictures” we have acquired through wrong theology, bad sermons and crazy opinions, then we would most likely be unable to recognise the real Biblical characters. Pause...
Abraham and Sarah Part 1
By now you already know my God ordained fascination with the men and women of the Bible, the men and women of faith. So I am going to present some wonderful realities about the life of Abraham and Sarah. I will do so in a few parts based on what Yeshua is leading me to...
Martha of Bethany
Martha and Mary of Bethany have so been on my heart since yesterday afternoon. A friend of mine will journey to Israel in 3 weeks time and she mentioned that although she would love to visit Bethany, the modern day town is not visit-able. After this conversation, the Ruach hakodesh (Holy Spirit) quickened my heart...
Would you anoint Him?
This morning while worshipping, Yeshua quickened me to the story of Mary and her extravagant gift of worship, when she anointed Yeshua the Saviour of mankind. I sat listening to a song about this anointing and was impacted on many different levels. For some time I have shared much with Yeshua about this anointing and...
Women in the book of Acts, Tabitha
This evening I received the sad news that someone I know passed away suddenly. While it is often the case that we think about life at the moment of someone’s passing, tonight I did not feel the need to reflect on life but rather to reflect on the life of the person I knew. Last...
Remember my God, the prophetess Noadiah
A number of prophets are mentioned throughout the Bible, along with a number of prophetesses. In the following study, we will examine the prophetess Noadiah and her connection to the land of Israel and Nehemiah. Although many righteous men and women prophesied boldly in the name of YHWH, some prophesied presumptuously and unrighteously. Noadiah belonged...
Yeshua’s Talmidot
When I mention the disciples or talmidim of Yeshua, what do you think of? What image fills your mind? Who do you think of, Shimeon Kepha perhaps? Yochanan the one Yeshua loved? Perhaps you think of the twelve brave men that journeyed with Yeshua? In recent years, scholars and believers alike have begun to...
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