

Tonight’s Coffee Break was a little different but altogether, a great blessing.
Having been encouraged by Yeshua to create a space of prayer and blessing, Yosef and Aliyah shared a short word, and then had prompts for times of prayer. They also prayed a biblical verse over everyone who joined. You can use this Coffee Break as a guide and devotional for your own time of prayer and blessing for others. Come with hearts full to give and to receive.

Our First Fruit

Our First Fruit

Happy Passover season! Today we celebrated the gift of first fruit, this day of harvest, and the reality that Yeshua became our first fruit. In this weeks coffee break, Yosef breaks open the different harvests and how believers can choose to be in one of those harvests! Which harvest you choose to be in, will determine your destiny! Aliyah discusses the significance of first fruits as we begin the count towards Shavuot. This timely feast and coffee break will be a blessing to you in this season.

Rough Times for Daniel

Rough Times for Daniel

Our focus in the book of Daniel, is usually on the apocalyptic messages and prophecies that occupy the final pages of this book. Yet, Daniels story is rich. Encouraging, inspiring and strengthening our hearts if we encounter him in history, as a faith figure who was accustomed to hard times and allowing those hard times to build his faith. In this weeks coffee break, Aliyah and Yosef take a look at Daniel through his status as exile, refugee, persecuted, death row dweller. Yes, Daniel lived through each of these realities and good came from each of them! This encouraging message is needed right now, as we search for the hope and the encouragement in our present 

What Does Yeshua Mean to you this Passover?

What Does Yeshua Mean to you this Passover?

Passover season is here!
It’s a time to reflect on deliverance and the Exodus, but it’s also a time to reflect on the meaning of Yeshua’s deliverance. Right now our world is experiencing the most intense trial with the much needed message of hope. As believers, we too need a fresh perspective and living word from our God. For this Passover season, Yosef and Aliyah share the deeper meanings of Passover now and what it means for this generation. Along with the challenge of, what is Yeshua saying to you right now for Passover?

Surviving the Times

Surviving the Times

The world you and I live in is changing on a daily basis. Yet in the midst of trial Yeshua desires us to be a witness to continue to strive to walk in Him and to allow Him to work in our hearts. In this Coffee Break Yosef and Aliyah touch on Romans 8:22 and expound on the importance of perseverance and unity. All creation eagerly waits for the Sons and Daughters of Elohim to arise. May this broadcast bless you. 

Hope In the Midst

Hope In the Midst

In light of current world events and the panic many are feeling, Yosef and  Aliyah sit down to talk about why we have intense hope in the midst of the current realities. How we should cultivate compassion and how to connect to a place of faith instead of worry during our moments of uncertainty. This coffee breaks speaks to the heart of all our uncertainties and is a source of blessing. Join us!

Livestock Land – Coffee Break

Livestock Land – Coffee Break

It was green grass all the way. The sharp contrast from soft sand of Wilderness dunes. It was the first touch, the first sight, the first feel of promise. The promised land was in sight. Ready to be taken. Ready to be revealed. The promise of God, ready to be fulfilled. Yet, some of them stopped right there, by the first touch. In this Coffee Break Aliyah and Yosef discuss the reality of stopping before the full promises of Yahweh are revealed in your life. They encourage us to go deeper, into the fullest fulfillment of promise or risk rebellion, or partial fulfilment. Be inspired by the gentle touch of God as you listen to this broadcast described as a word of encouragement for right now.

Master of the Harvest

Master of the Harvest

Your life is significant. It matters. And it matters what you do with it. You could be the answer to someone’s prayer. The prayer for more laborers for the harvest field. Yeshua Himself said the harvest is plentiful, the laborers few. Pray the Master of the Harvest sends the laborers. He didn’t say pray for saved souls, He said pray for more laborers.
Perhaps that’s because souls are already ready? In this weeks broadcast, Yosef and Aliyah passionately break down the concepts of joy in harvesting, a significant life and why it’s the season of “harvest.” This Coffee Break is a special one. Join us for the first coffee break of 2020.

Does the Bible say that?

Does the Bible say that?

There’s a lot of fun, unpacking and education in this weeks coffee break!

Aliyah and Yosef dig into phrases you may have heard, in order to uncover whether they truly are in the Bible or not. Is money really the root of all evil? Does God help only those who help themselves? Did Eve eat an apple or how much study would you need to do to show yourself approved? These are just some of the topics discussed among many more. There’s a lot of nuggets in this one and a lot of wow moments, join us!

A Word for Women

A Word for Women

This week, Yosef shares a burden on his heart, for the women of Yeshua, while Aliyah touches on the women who served the first congregations. Unpacking the need for men to undo bias and come alongside the gifted women of God, this coffee break is both vulnerable and relevant.