June 21, 2022

The Importance of Intimacy with the King

The Importance of Intimacy with the King

We live in a time of fast food and quick fixes, where people place YHVH into their lives not their lives into YHVH. It’s this type of religion that will cause you to step into spiritual quicksand and maybe never recover. Today people are happier buying a devotional book then actually sitting and making the time to pray and hear the voice of Yeshua. They are happier reading the words of anointed preachers and teachers than actually taking the time to seek first the kingdom of Yeshua.

Our walk with Yeshua is one of commitment and determination. If we are willing to work out our salvation with fear and trembling, then He is faithful to empower us through His Holy Spirit. Join Yosef as he shares how important intimacy with Yeshua is.

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