Do you struggle to identify your own unique calling? If you were asked how does God see you? What would your response be and could you move away from general statements to more specific ones, uniquely fashioned for your very own life? This week on the Restoration Hour, Aliyah and Yosef powerfully unpack identity, how to discover how God sees you and how to live in that identity. David was known as a great king but Yahweh created him to be shepherd, warrior, poet, as well as king. These identities led his life, so much so that everything he did seemed to be incredibly blessed. But David's blessings lay in the fact that he walked in his identity, not just as a child of God, but as so much more. Join us as we discover identity, and how the enemy targets us in our identity. Once we discover who we are in Yeshua, we also step into a place of peace, worship, and closeness with God.
Sermon Tag: Yeshua
The Comforting Father
This week we entered a new biblical month, and with this newness we entered a time period leading us towards the historical destruction of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem. While this time period mirrors the challenges, trials and often destructive circumstances life brings us, this new month is called “Av,” or Father. In this week’s Restoration Hour, Aliyah and Yosef discuss the trials of life and the seeming absence of God while in those trials. Yosef also digs deep in to the need for holiness as we seek to walk with our Father and how this looks when we are in the trenches of life. Included in this week’s talk, is a brief update on what the ministry has been up to. Described as a blessing, we pray this broadcast will minister to your heart and spirit.
The Importance of Intimacy with the King
We live in a time of fast food and quick fixes, where people place YHVH into their lives not their lives into YHVH. It’s this type of religion that will cause you to step into spiritual quicksand and maybe never recover. Today people are happier buying a devotional book then actually sitting and making the time to pray and hear the voice of Yeshua. They are happier reading the words of anointed preachers and teachers than actually taking the time to seek first the kingdom of Yeshua.
Our walk with Yeshua is one of commitment and determination. If we are willing to work out our salvation with fear and trembling, then He is faithful to empower us through His Holy Spirit. Join Yosef as he shares how important intimacy with Yeshua is.
Yeshua’s Sacrifice
It's almost Passover time and this week Aliyah and Yosef are unpacking the depth of Yeshua's death and how the sacrifices outlined in Leviticus foreshadowed Yeshua's own offering. Each offering holds spiritual significance that we can learn from. They also dig deeply into the meaning of the red heifer offering and how it relates to Yeshua. The depth of the red heifer sacrifice has always been a mystery to many, but its connection with our purification, holiness and walk of truth is being revealed to those in covenant with Him. Join us for a message of refreshing and power as we approach Passover.
Fruit that Remains
This week on the Restoration Hour, we are celebrating Sukkot! Yosef and Aliyah lead us through scripture to share the challenge of producing lasting fruit. Breaking down the abstract analogy of fruit, Yosef dives into what fruit we should be producing, and how fruit, character and a ready Bride are interlinked. It’s a packed broadcast, full of goodness! Join us!
Towards a Spirit Filled Shavuot
This special season leading to Shavuot is filled with goodness and expectation, and we can take hold of this with open hands and hearts. This Shavuot, is a time to be filled with the Spirit so that our present fears and doubts can be overtaken with power and boldness. A power and boldness that will lead us to proclaim aloud the Name of our Messiah, and the message of reconciliation in that Name. This message is a stirring one that will empower you to take hold of this Shavuot and be changed with a greater fire and zeal.
Yeshua our Passover Lamb
This is a powerful message of Yeshua's sacrifice and our great deliverance from bondage. This is the generation that is waiting with eager anticipation for the soon return of Messiah. Are you ready? Join Yosef as He shares about Yeshua our Passover Lamb.
How to Celebrate Passover
It's close to Passover time and we want to help you celebrate a truly biblical feast that honours Yeshua. In this teaching, Aliyah leads us through the Torah commandments regarding Passover and how to centre a non - traditional celebration around Messiah Yeshua.
We've also provided our free Passover Haggadah for your celebration, as well as some Passover colouring pages for the kids. Please use the PDF icon for the teaching notes. The download icon for the Haggadah and the two links below for the colouring pages for the kids.
The Restoration of the Kingdom – Who’s Image
Whose image are you radiating to the world? Whose image are you conforming to? In this series, Yosef will unpack the restoration of the kingdom and how powerfully this impacts every aspect of a believers life. In part 1, he takes a look at the reality of image, with the question of whose image are you in? From the garden of Eden, to fallen humans, through to the birth of the Saviour and the death and resurrection of the King, this journey unwinds and forces us to take a look at the challenge of being transformed powerfully in our day.
Yeshua in Elul
This week the Coffee Break returns!
Aliyah and Yosef are bringing some deep truths about Elul and our identity in Yeshua. Traditionally, Elul is a time for reflection yet for us who believe in Yeshua, it’s a time of deep grace and deep belief. Belief in who we are and in who He is, in every season. Be inspired and be filled with hope on this weeks broadcast.
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