April 5, 2020

Messiah – The Judge of the World

Messiah – The Judge of the World

This life is full of choices. Not just the everyday choices of what to wear and what to eat, but it’s made up of long terms choices, the eternal choices. The choice to build with eternal, holy things, things which will out last the few short years of this earthly existence. Or the easier choice, to build with temporary mud or straw, these are the things which will not and cannot last. You’ll survive longer than these temporary things.

What we will build with in this life, will be weighed. Not by us or by our friends or followers, but by our Creator, the Master, the Judge and King. His judgment will be accompanied by fire, and it will start at the house of Elohim first. His chosen, His saved, His Saints will be at the starting line. Where the fire is warm and ready to burn away the earthly sticks of straw. It’s coming, sooner than expected. Which is why this teaching and this message, this moment is for right now. For you and all your choices. Can you feel the flames, warm on your face? Stand tall with your bricks, or fall with burnt sticks.

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