The Final Remnant – A People of Covenant- “The Davidic Covenant”

The Final Remnant – A People of Covenant- “The Davidic Covenant”

Robed in blue, he stands. Keys in hand, he trembles. The silver crown glimmers on her head, she stands with tears in her eyes. YHVH smiles as He looks lovingly at their faces. He can trust them, His children robed in blue. They are mature, adults who can be entrusted with the keys of the kingdom. Lamp stands filled with fresh oil, decanting from their hearts to the nations. Their hands outstretched in surrender, their leaves, healing for the nations. These are the children YHVH longed to birth in this final generation, these are His David Generation, children of Inheritance, vessels of Glory, alive for such a time as this.


These men and women are alive, living in surrender, everyday alive for the king. They are children who have matured, men and women who are fully devoted and committed to their King. They understand the cost of the surrendered life they have been called to live, with hearts overflowing and ready, they have chosen this narrow path the one that leads to eternal life. We have all  been called to follow our Master and become His disciples, yet many stop short of this. Will you listen to the call of the grooms heart? The call to mature and to become a child who is ready to inherit all the Father has for you?


In part 3 of this teaching, Yosef takes a look at the Davidic covenant of Inheritance and takes us on a journey to discover the importance of being a legitimate child of Yeshua, one who is ready to stand up against the enemy, one who has matured so that they can become a revealer of their Fathers Glory. One who is ready to inherit what God Almighty has prepared for these servants, friends and children of inheritance.


May this teaching give you the eyes to see and the ears to hear what the Ruach is saying.


Be sure to listen to part one and two before you listen to part 3



Shalom in Yeshua- Yosef

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