Hallmark, noun, meaning a Typical feature or a mark indicating the standard of tested gold and silver. (Revelation 3:18, Revelation 9:17) 

Malachi 3:3 He will sit like a refiner of silver, burning away the dross. He will purify the Levites, refining them like gold and silver, so that they may once again offer acceptable sacrifices to YHWH. If you have not yet read about The Heroine Hallway You can click the link and head over to it. 

“Move in to his silence and sit with your horse in the dark. Alone.
And let the silence between you calm his storm.” – Tornado and The Kalahari Horse Whisperer
Silence. Nothingness. Empty self of the words. Words to fill the space. Just sit with Him, in the silence knowing that silence is not nothing. It’s something. It’s beyond what the eye can see, its connection with the Most High God. It’s deep truth. It’s bringing everything to that one place and allowing the moment to connect you. Silence. It makes you real, have to open your palms and surrender. Allow Him to sit with you, in the dark. Alone. In the silence, where only your heart is beating and everything you need is just there, silence. Connection. 

There are times when there are no words, no words to explain how we feel or how deep the wounds and pain have buried their roots. There are no words and no words are needed. In these moments Yeshua wants to heal your pain, and through these moments, I have learned about the value and holiness of silence. The quote above comes from one of my favourite South African movies about an emotionally hurting horse and an emotionally hurting young man. The horse whisperer who is actually a Godly teacher, teaches the young man about connection and openness. This is one of my favourite parts of the movie, where the young man moves in to the horse pen with the hurting horse. The darkness of the night connects them and the silence deepens the bond. 

I have heard many sermons preached on prayer and yet none so much as the need for intimate silence. While the dark of life’s storms can deepen our faith if we allow it to, sometimes our many words get in the way of truly allowing God’s Hands to Heal us. We try and find the words, wearing ourselves out with long prayers of explanations and examples, words to unpack the healings and the deep wounds of yesterdays – years. Yet there are none and no words are needed. Only silence. In the silence we learn to feel Yeshua deeply, we learn the fragrance of His Robe and the touch of His Hand. Darkness of pain or wounds can be a blindfold but when we are blinded we learn depth and perception. Allow the silences that Yeshua leads you in to, to be times of deep refreshing and openness. Some of us love the silence, others of us have to learn to love the silence because we are so used to noise, yet Elijah had to learn the value of the still small whisper. No thunder, no grand shouting from the clouds of Heaven, just a still small whisper.
1 Thessalonians 4:11

“Make it your goal to live a restful life, minding your own business and working hard with your hands.”

The Greek word for restful here is #2270hesuchazo, it means to keep still, to refrain from labour, hold peace, be quiet, rest, still, quiet, or to live quietly. Sometimes prayer can become something that causes stress and your many words tire you out because what you truly need is to be quiet and feel the bond between you and God deepen in the silence. 

Isaiah 28:12

“God has told his people,
“Here is a place of rest;
    let the weary rest here.
This is a place of quiet rest.”

Psalm 107: 29 – 30

“He calmed the storm to a whisper and stilled the waves.  What a blessing was that stillness
    as He brought them safely into harbour!”
Isaiah 53: 4 – 5
 Surely he took up our pain
    and bore our suffering,
yet we considered him punished by God,
    stricken by him, and afflicted. But he was pierced for our transgressions,
    he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was on him,
    and by his wounds we are healed.
The Hebrew word for wound in this famous passage of scripture is the word “chavoorah” it has the same root word as the word chaver, which means friend or friendship. His wounds are wounds of a friend, the only friend who sticks closer then a family member (Proverbs 18:24). Through His wounds, we can become His friend, a friend who listens to our hearts across the coffee cups of silences and across the hiddenness in to the things we cannot say. 
So go on, sit with Him in the silence and let the silence connect you …. 

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