September 28, 2019

The Propheticness of Yom Teruah

The Propheticness of Yom Teruah

For many believers they have no idea of the prophetic significance of Yom Teruah. For those in the church this day has become known as the day of the rapture. For others they have substituted truth with error by replacing this Holy day with a man-made day called Rosh Hashanah.  So, the question is what is the real truth and significance of this day?

Could it be that now in this generation Yeshua is opening the way and revealing the truth because we are living in the days before His return? Yom Teruah is one of the most important festivals and one that holds a clear prophetic message for this generation. The two witnesses are being raised up, forerunners will be sent forth and the trumpet blasts on Yom Teruah, are more significant then we realise. This feast will come and many will miss the message, but now is the time to draw in to the significance of this holy day, once shrouded in mystery but now being revealed to our generation. Could it be that the time has come for these forerunners to be sent out soon? You decide.

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