July 11, 2021

The Falling Away

The Falling Away

The month of Av has just dawned! And we say hello to a month whose name means Father, but really a month that sees us commemorate the depth of destruction. Historically, both temples were destroyed in the month of Av and while we often look at the picture of the Comfort of Father, we can never forget that Father is also a Righteous God. One who sets a standard of holiness as the ultimate goal of a walk with Him.

On the Restoration Hour this week, Aliyah and Yosef stir us with the question of “what will keep us in the time of great apostasy?” What is the ultimate benchmark for a saved life? Is it mere routine, Bible reading and simplicity, or is it the stretching uncomfortable work of perfection? We need to know, so we are not seduced by the spirit of this age or lulled into hidden sins which swept Israel into a long exile.

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