October 2, 2021

Are we “Once Saved Always Saved?” – The Importance of Maturity.

Are we “Once Saved Always Saved?” – The Importance of Maturity.

Are you sure you are saved? If so, what are you actually saved from? Yeshua is wanting you to understand that there is more to your life then just being saved. His desire is for you to mature and to grow up. Many hold to a false teaching called “Once Saved Always Saved” and due to this, they are failing to mature. Yeshua had much to say about those who do nothing with their salvation. May this teaching help you see the importance of covenant and maturity. If we want to make it to the end we need to rid ourselves of all falsehood and take hold of the Truth namely, that salvation is a lifelong process of perseverance and diligence.

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