Do you struggle to identify your own unique calling? If you were asked how does God see you? What would your response be and could you move away from general statements to more specific ones, uniquely fashioned for your very own life? This week on the Restoration Hour, Aliyah and Yosef powerfully unpack identity, how to discover how God sees you and how to live in that identity. David was known as a great king but Yahweh created him to be shepherd, warrior, poet, as well as king. These identities led his life, so much so that everything he did seemed to be incredibly blessed. But David's blessings lay in the fact that he walked in his identity, not just as a child of God, but as so much more. Join us as we discover identity, and how the enemy targets us in our identity. Once we discover who we are in Yeshua, we also step into a place of peace, worship, and closeness with God.