Yosef expounds on the book of Haggai as it relates to this generation. Yahweh desires to reveal His presence to a dying world, yet many are to focused on building their own lives instead of advancing His Kingdom. Yahweh through the prophet Haggai told the remnant that they should consider their ways. Not much has changed. We too are being called upon to consider our ways and to allow YHWH to revive us so that we might be a spiritual dwelling place.
Sermon Category: The Final Remnant
Noah the Tzadik – As in the days of Noah
Yeshua speaking to His disciples in Matthew 24 tells them that the last days will be as the days of Noah. Many have studied the days of Noah in relation to the wickedness and immorality. However what if Yeshua was hinting to something more than just the state of the wicked? What if He was wanting them to remember the life and person of Noah and strive to become a person of righteousness just like Him.
The 144-000, The Keys of the Kingdom
In this 4th part of the 144-000 teaching Yosef expounds on Revelation 3 by taking a look at the congregation of Philadelphia and what exactly is the ‘key of David”? He also explains the truth of binding and loosing as it relates to obedience. Join Yosef as he expounds on this and more in this teaching.
The 144-000, Sons and Daughters of Inheritance
In this 3rd part of the 144-000 teaching Yosef explains the importance of understanding and applying the truths of covenant to our lives. YHWH desires for us to mature and to grow up into Sons and Daughters. Yet what does that mean? And how is it accomplished. Join Yosef as he expounds on this and more in this teaching.
144-000 – The Change
Hebrews details for us the importance of the change of the office of the High Priest from the levites to Yeshua our Melchizedek. Yeshua became our High priest thereby instituting a change and establishing a new priesthood, yet with the same mandate to make disciples and to be the messengers of reconciliation and atonement. In this teaching Yosef explains the night before Yeshua's death as well as the importance of being set apart unto YHWH so that we might be the change in the world. This and much more in this teaching.
The 144-000 – Priests unto YHWH
The priesthood of the Melchizedek is a resonating topic, one that is paramount to our walk as disciples of Yeshua Messiah. Yet, to be a priest is not something to be grasped at, it's something that requires a deep walk of holiness. Being set apart from the world and living with a daily crucifying of our fleshly nature, is part of living as a priest. Without holiness no one will see Elohim, and without holiness one cannot truly be the priest YHWH has called us to be. In this teaching, Yosef discusses the cost of becoming a Tzadik and helps us understand the importance of walking in Holiness and Maturity.
All for His Glory – The Final Remnant, Remastered
The world is slipping into a dark abyss a place of total destruction. Yet it’s at this time that Abba Father is busy restoring the original Faith of the Apostles within the hearts of His Faithful Remnant. A faith that does not waver or retreat. A faith that stands when the gates of Hell come charging against them. There is a call going out from the heart of Yeshua to mature and to walk in Holiness so that you and I might overcome. For many the idea of suffering for the sake of their faith brings fear and doubt. Many have chosen the path of compromise instead of the narrow path that leads to life. May this teaching speak to your heart and may it tug at the strings of your soul and cause you to want to abandon all fear and doubt and ready yourself for the battle of the ages that is to come.
The Abomination of Desolation and The Final Remnant
The great men and women of faith stared in to the eyes of those who hated and persecuted them, and they did not waiver. They laid down their lives, counting the cost of staying faithful in a faithless generation. In this teaching, Yosef takes a look at the lives of the Maccabees and their own bold stand against the perverse wickedness of the Greek culture. They overcame the wicked ruler Antiochus, in the same way that the faithful remnant in this generation will overcome the anti messiah. This message urges the faithful to be fully conformed to the image of Yeshua, as the image of the beast is seen upon the earth. As we are confronted with evil, we need to be faith filled and faithful.
My Two Witnesses – The Children of my Light!
Zachariah in chapter 4 sees a vision of a lampstand with a bowl at its top. On the stand was seven lamps with seven spouts leading to them. He also saw two olive trees -one on the right-hand side of the bowl and the other on its left. For many, this cryptic vision which appears almost like a riddle, may be hard to grasp, unravel and understand and that is alright, for the prophet Zechariah himself could not grasp its understanding at the onset. The meaning of these verses is vitally important for us to understand as it is coming into fruition within these final days. Not only are these verses significant to this time in history, these verses should become meaningful and personal to us as children of God.
Ears to Hear – The Rising Spiritual Army
What if you are alive for such at time as this. A time of surrender and purification. A time of preparation. A time to move from being just a believer into a true disciple? Many are called but few are chosen. Will you pick up your cross and follow in the footsteps of Yeshua? In this teaching Yosef explains the urgency of the hour and speaks about the call to arise from our slumber and become the Army of YHWH
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