We are a husband and wife team called to prepare a people for the soon return of Messiah. We believe that we have been called to be part of the commonwealth of Israel making us citizens of the Kingdom of YHVH by Faith in His Son Yeshua. However, that does not mean that we are to live as we please. We have been blessed with His Ruach that guides us into all truth and teaches us the difference between the holy and the profane as we walk out the Torah of YHVH in our every day lives. We believe that we have all been called to live a life of maturity and to move from being a believer into a true disciple. We believe that this can only be achieved once a true understanding of who we are is taught and accepted. Yeshua through His death and resurrection opened the way for each and everyone of us to be included in His eternal plan, an thereby enter into the family by faith and each of us has the right to mature and become a True Son or Daughter of Inheritance. We teach the Message of Adoption and Inheritance as well as the Message to the Remnant of YHVH in this generation. May all that is posted here speak to your heart Mat 28:19” Therefore, go and make taught ones of all the nations