
Wake Up

Wake Up! You have a calling, a Holy Spirit led calling. Not one of just wisdom or philosophy but one of power and miracles. This is it, now is the time!  This Coffee Break is a message of encouragement, drawing deep from the scriptures and from the well of our hearts. We discuss Roman’s 12,...

November 9, 2018November 9, 2018by

Be the Light of Sukkot

Chag Sameach everyone! We have entered the final fall feast celebrations. Sukkot is here and we are excited. In ancient Israel, Sukkot was celebrated with an elaborate and deeply significant water pouring celebration, coupled with the lighting of large menorah’s which filled the city of Jerusalem! In to this celebration, Yeshua walked and proclaimed the truth about light,...

November 9, 2018November 9, 2018by

The Miracle of Yom Teruah

We can’t remember our first Yom Teruah, can you? Perhaps it’s because so much of this feast is still being revealed prophetically, to the remnant, to the faithful listening and longing for the greater works of Yeshua in this final era. Perhaps it’s because there is a deeper message and truth running through the day...

September 12, 2018September 12, 2018by

In it for the Wilderness

The wilderness. We see it as a destination, a place. Yet the wilderness was and continues to be a place of many stops. For the Israelites there were 42 stops, each mirroring our own stops in this journey of life. In this Coffee Break, Aliyah and Yosef get real about the wilderness and the hard stops....

September 5, 2018September 5, 2018by

Love Carries

These men carried the heavy bed just Like they’d done so many times before. Only this time, it was different. Rumors scurried around about a man who could heal any affliction and any disease. And they were intent on seeing this man. Not for themselves, but for their friend. The one whose bed they carried....

September 5, 2018September 5, 2018by

When the Trial gets Tough.

Sometimes our hearts melt at the size of the mountain. Our eyesight sims, until we are but grasshoppers defeated in our eyes. Yet Deuteronomy 7, provides 4 significant tools to win the battle against melting hearts and tough trials. These tools include remembering YHWH’s past goodness, beholding His Love and encouragement, expecting total victory according to His promises...

September 5, 2018September 5, 2018by

In this World you will have Oppression. But Cheer Up!

In this world you will have trial, oppression, hard times and struggles but cheer up! Cheer up through the hard times? How? This week, Yosef and Aliyah take us in to John 15 and 16, in to the moment when Yeshua’s disciples hear that their Rabbi is going to be leaving. There is a grief...

September 5, 2018September 5, 2018by

The Endurance Trophy

Perseverance can seem negative in so many ways. It can sound like the voice that screams without an understanding of human pain. But the perseverance Yeshua urges us to have, is not one of condemnation but it’s a voice of encouragement. In this Coffee Break, Yosef and Aliyah speak from their own places of perseverance...

September 5, 2018September 5, 2018by